Звицы нема куди девацца

Восточные и западные учения, традиционные и новейшие.
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Фрактальный эльф
Сообщения: 1925
Зарегистрирован: 13 фев 2010, 18:06
Репутация: 552

Звицы нема куди девацца

Сообщение Cyn »


Что если всё что происходит в твоей жизни сейчас и всё, что уже успело произойти было на самом деле к лучшему?
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One day mind is like: "Boring! Its time to party! Lets do stupid things - it is fun! Live fast, die young! Do your business tomorrow, 
listen, take a beer! Drink! Drink! Drink!"
Other day its like: "Need to stop this endless procrastination! Must think wise, train body and mind. Eat healthy food, wake up early, stop smoking! Must meditate more! Must be aware! Do not feed ego! Om-patience! Om-the-truth! I am! I am! I am!"
And other day - any other mind. Playing same game. 
Nothing can stop him, because it is mind, that is everything. It is mind that is seducing mind, stealing freedom, giving hope.
Such a joke. Evil joke. Rising wrath, displeasure. Dictated revenge, forced suffering, constrained pleasure, permanent self-awareness. 
Do you still thinking that someone can avoid these? Some master of mind silence, some "I am" feeling adept? 
Will mind save a mind? From a mind? In purpose to become a mind? 
Dream God fulminate anathemas to himself, revealing doom, absorbing desperated scream of your soul.
Аватара пользователя
Фрактальный эльф
Сообщения: 1925
Зарегистрирован: 13 фев 2010, 18:06
Репутация: 552

Звицы нема куди девацца

Сообщение Cyn »

Что если ответ на этот вопрос мы сможем узнать только после смерти?
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One day mind is like: "Boring! Its time to party! Lets do stupid things - it is fun! Live fast, die young! Do your business tomorrow, 
listen, take a beer! Drink! Drink! Drink!"
Other day its like: "Need to stop this endless procrastination! Must think wise, train body and mind. Eat healthy food, wake up early, stop smoking! Must meditate more! Must be aware! Do not feed ego! Om-patience! Om-the-truth! I am! I am! I am!"
And other day - any other mind. Playing same game. 
Nothing can stop him, because it is mind, that is everything. It is mind that is seducing mind, stealing freedom, giving hope.
Such a joke. Evil joke. Rising wrath, displeasure. Dictated revenge, forced suffering, constrained pleasure, permanent self-awareness. 
Do you still thinking that someone can avoid these? Some master of mind silence, some "I am" feeling adept? 
Will mind save a mind? From a mind? In purpose to become a mind? 
Dream God fulminate anathemas to himself, revealing doom, absorbing desperated scream of your soul.
Аватара пользователя
Фрактальный эльф
Сообщения: 1925
Зарегистрирован: 13 фев 2010, 18:06
Репутация: 552

Звицы нема куди девацца

Сообщение Cyn »

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One day mind is like: "Boring! Its time to party! Lets do stupid things - it is fun! Live fast, die young! Do your business tomorrow, 
listen, take a beer! Drink! Drink! Drink!"
Other day its like: "Need to stop this endless procrastination! Must think wise, train body and mind. Eat healthy food, wake up early, stop smoking! Must meditate more! Must be aware! Do not feed ego! Om-patience! Om-the-truth! I am! I am! I am!"
And other day - any other mind. Playing same game. 
Nothing can stop him, because it is mind, that is everything. It is mind that is seducing mind, stealing freedom, giving hope.
Such a joke. Evil joke. Rising wrath, displeasure. Dictated revenge, forced suffering, constrained pleasure, permanent self-awareness. 
Do you still thinking that someone can avoid these? Some master of mind silence, some "I am" feeling adept? 
Will mind save a mind? From a mind? In purpose to become a mind? 
Dream God fulminate anathemas to himself, revealing doom, absorbing desperated scream of your soul.
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Пучок Перцепций
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Зарегистрирован: 30 апр 2016, 14:26
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Звицы нема куди девацца

Сообщение Пучок Перцепций »

18 часов назад, Cyn сказал:


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Звицы нема куди девацца

Сообщение KpeBeg »

Опять мет? :D
Аватара пользователя
Фрактальный эльф
Сообщения: 1925
Зарегистрирован: 13 фев 2010, 18:06
Репутация: 552

Звицы нема куди девацца

Сообщение Cyn »

2 часа назад, KpeBeg сказал:

Опять мет? :D

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One day mind is like: "Boring! Its time to party! Lets do stupid things - it is fun! Live fast, die young! Do your business tomorrow, 
listen, take a beer! Drink! Drink! Drink!"
Other day its like: "Need to stop this endless procrastination! Must think wise, train body and mind. Eat healthy food, wake up early, stop smoking! Must meditate more! Must be aware! Do not feed ego! Om-patience! Om-the-truth! I am! I am! I am!"
And other day - any other mind. Playing same game. 
Nothing can stop him, because it is mind, that is everything. It is mind that is seducing mind, stealing freedom, giving hope.
Such a joke. Evil joke. Rising wrath, displeasure. Dictated revenge, forced suffering, constrained pleasure, permanent self-awareness. 
Do you still thinking that someone can avoid these? Some master of mind silence, some "I am" feeling adept? 
Will mind save a mind? From a mind? In purpose to become a mind? 
Dream God fulminate anathemas to himself, revealing doom, absorbing desperated scream of your soul.
Аватара пользователя
Фрактальный эльф
Сообщения: 1839
Зарегистрирован: 12 сен 2014, 15:33
Репутация: 733

Звицы нема куди девацца

Сообщение igor4444 »

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Аватара пользователя
Фрактальный эльф
Сообщения: 1925
Зарегистрирован: 13 фев 2010, 18:06
Репутация: 552

Звицы нема куди девацца

Сообщение Cyn »

Замес в том, что всё что происходит в жизни оно ни хорошее ни плохое - нельзя сказать, ведь неизвестно к чему В ИТОГЕ это приведет. Только после смерти есть возможность проследить все причино-следственные связи между событиями и сказать - ДА ЗРЯ Я МАНЬКУ БЕЗ ГОНДОНА ВЫЕБАЛ ТОГДА НА СЕНОВАЛЕ, или НЕЗРЯ Я ВСЁТАКИ МАНЬКУ ТОГДА ОПРИХОДОВАЛ НА СЕНОВАЛЕ....
НО, есть одно НО.
Если мы никогда не умрем, то мы никогда не узнаем. Значит если мы никогда не умрём на самом деле - я говорю про душу бесмертную нашу а не про тело ессесно - то тогда мы никогда     не узнаем хорошо ли то или это и вообще всё бессмысленно тогда. Секёшь?
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One day mind is like: "Boring! Its time to party! Lets do stupid things - it is fun! Live fast, die young! Do your business tomorrow, 
listen, take a beer! Drink! Drink! Drink!"
Other day its like: "Need to stop this endless procrastination! Must think wise, train body and mind. Eat healthy food, wake up early, stop smoking! Must meditate more! Must be aware! Do not feed ego! Om-patience! Om-the-truth! I am! I am! I am!"
And other day - any other mind. Playing same game. 
Nothing can stop him, because it is mind, that is everything. It is mind that is seducing mind, stealing freedom, giving hope.
Such a joke. Evil joke. Rising wrath, displeasure. Dictated revenge, forced suffering, constrained pleasure, permanent self-awareness. 
Do you still thinking that someone can avoid these? Some master of mind silence, some "I am" feeling adept? 
Will mind save a mind? From a mind? In purpose to become a mind? 
Dream God fulminate anathemas to himself, revealing doom, absorbing desperated scream of your soul.
Аватара пользователя
Фрактальный эльф
Сообщения: 1925
Зарегистрирован: 13 фев 2010, 18:06
Репутация: 552

Звицы нема куди девацца

Сообщение Cyn »

Ребята да вы не выкупили просто. На самом деле тут есть о что потереться и просветлеть.
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One day mind is like: "Boring! Its time to party! Lets do stupid things - it is fun! Live fast, die young! Do your business tomorrow, 
listen, take a beer! Drink! Drink! Drink!"
Other day its like: "Need to stop this endless procrastination! Must think wise, train body and mind. Eat healthy food, wake up early, stop smoking! Must meditate more! Must be aware! Do not feed ego! Om-patience! Om-the-truth! I am! I am! I am!"
And other day - any other mind. Playing same game. 
Nothing can stop him, because it is mind, that is everything. It is mind that is seducing mind, stealing freedom, giving hope.
Such a joke. Evil joke. Rising wrath, displeasure. Dictated revenge, forced suffering, constrained pleasure, permanent self-awareness. 
Do you still thinking that someone can avoid these? Some master of mind silence, some "I am" feeling adept? 
Will mind save a mind? From a mind? In purpose to become a mind? 
Dream God fulminate anathemas to himself, revealing doom, absorbing desperated scream of your soul.

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